- On the primary vRA node, delete the line with the original vco solution user contained within /etc/vcac/solution-users.properties, example: vco=vco-8f2-kob_2w.
Note: This will force a new vco solution user creation later.
- Stop the vRO service on all vRA nodes:
service vco-server stop && service vco-configurator stop
- Delete the vco registration id on all vRA nodes:
rm /etc/vco/app-server/vco-registration-id
- On the primary vRA node, delete all vco VAMI service registrations:
vcac-config service-delete --service-name vco
- On the primary vRA node, reconfigure the vRO Control Center authentication:
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh reset-authentication
- On the primary vRA node, reconfigure the vRO Server service:
vcac-vami vco-service-reconfigure
- Wait until the vRO server is fully started.
- If some of the vRA services on the vRA primary node are marked as NOT AVAILABLE, run the following:
service vcac-server restart
- Once all VAMI services on the primary vRA node are marked as REGISTERED, re-join the replica node to the cluster again - from the replica node VAMI > Cluster page.
- Copy over the /etc/vco/app-server/vco-registration-id file from the primary to the replica node
- Update the vco solution user on the replica node within /etc/vcac/solution-users.properties.
Note: The new vco solution user was taken from the primary node /etc/vcac/solution-users.properties after Step #6.
- Run the following command on the primary node:
/usr/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh export --vraSync --path /tmp/vco-config
- Copy over the /tmp/vco-config to the replica node.
- Import the vco config manually to the replica node:
chmod -f a+rw /tmp/vco-config
/usr/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh import --type vra_sync --path /tmp/vco-configNote: If the
vco service is now registered within the VAMI, but
o11n-gateway is not, confirm the environment hardening documentation is fully followed by re-applying the steps provided within the
Secure Configuration Guide.