This article provides information to monitor the snapshot deletion/consolation process using the vim-cmd
VMware vSphere ESXi
vim-cmd vimsvc/task_list
(ManagedObjectReference) [
vim-cmd vimsvc/task_info <enter task string>
Example command:
vim-cmd vimsvc/task_info haTask-9-vim.VirtualMachine.removeAllSnapshots-304060994
(vim.TaskInfo) {
dynamicType = ,
key = "haTask-9-vim.VirtualMachine.removeAllSnapshots-304060994",
task = 'vim.Task:haTask-9-vim.VirtualMachine.removeAllSnapshots-304060994',
description = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) null,
name = "vim.VirtualMachine.removeAllSnapshots",
descriptionId = "VirtualMachine.removeAllSnapshots", --running process>
entity = 'vim.VirtualMachine:9',
entityName = "VirtualMachineName", ---Virtual Machine name>
state = "running",---make sure the status is running & is not in a error state>
cancelled = false,
cancelable = false,
error = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
result = ,
progress = 33, ---progress of task>
reason = (vim.TaskReasonUser) {
dynamicType = ,
userName = "root",
queueTime = "2013-10-02T07:22:02.224526Z",
startTime = "2013-10-02T07:22:02.225526Z",
completeTime = ,
eventChainId = 304060994,
changeTag = ,
parentTaskKey = ,
rootTaskKey = ,
Note: A complete and successful consolidation of the snapshot will show state = "success"
when you run the above command.