Troubleshooting issues when creating or committing snapshots in VMware ESXi/ESX
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Troubleshooting issues when creating or committing snapshots in VMware ESXi/ESX


Article ID: 316392


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


This article helps in troubleshooting issues when you create or commit snapshots in ESXi/ESX.


  • You cannot take a snapshot of the virtual machine.
  • You cannot commit the snapshot of the virtual machine.
  • You cannot delete snapshots off the virtual machine.
  • There are no snapshots visible in Snapshot Manager.
  • You see one or more of these errors:
    • Create virtual machine snapshot VIRTUALMACHINE File <unspecified filename> is larger than the maximum size supported by datastore '<unspecified datastore>'
    • The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created.
    • Snapshot guest failed: The file is too big for the filesystem.
    • Failed to lock the file.
    • Failed to do snapshot op: Error: (21) The file is too big for the datastore.
    • Could not power on VM: No space left on device. Failed to power on VM.
    • An unexpected error was received from the ESX host while powering on vm-##.
    • Configuration of host IP address is inconsistent on host <hostname>: address resolved to <IP Address> and <IPAddress>
    • Too many levels of redo logs.
    • Not enough disk space.
    • VMControl error -3: Invalid arguments.
    • Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DatastoreName] VMname/VMname.vmx already exists.
    • CID Mismatch.
    • Maximum Iteration reached - 32.


  • VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.0
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.x
  • VMware ESX 4.0.x
  • VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5
  • VMware ESXi 4.1.x Installable
  • VMware ESXi 3.5.x Installable
  • VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x
  • VMware ESX Server 1.5.x
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1
  • VMware ESX 4.1.x
  • VMware ESX Server 3.0.x
  • VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x
  • VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
  • VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
  • VMware ESX Server 3.5.x
  • VMware ESXi 4.0.x Installable
  • VMware ESXi 3.5.x Embedded
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 6.0
  • VMware ESXi 4.1.x Embedded
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5
  • VMware ESX Server 1.x
  • VMware ESXi 4.0.x Embedded
  • VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
  • VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0
  • VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x


These KB's are helpful in Troubleshooting Snapshot related issues.

Additional Information