"Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process" while migrating Windows vCenter 6.x to VCSA 6.7
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"Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process" while migrating Windows vCenter 6.x to VCSA 6.7


Article ID: 307786


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server



  • Windows vCenter Server migration to VCSA 6.7 fails with error: Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process
  • You will see the below similar entries in upgraderunner.log
{'name': 'com.vmware.syslog', 'installedOn': 'localhost', 'requirements': {'dstPortSpecs': [{'destina
tionPort': '${port}', 'installationKey': 'syslog.ext.port', 'reconfigure': True}, {'destinationPort': '${ssl.port}', 'installationKey': 'syslog.ext.tls.port',
{'vmdir.ldu-guid': '28b3c520-####-####-####-########ab3', 'vmdir.site-guid': '28437720-####-####-####-########ab3'}, 'userOptionSpecs': [], 'requirementMismatchSpecs': [{'resolution': Please search for these symptoms in the VMware Knowledge Base for any known issues and possible resolutions. If none can be found, collect a support bundle and open a support request., 'severity': 'ERROR', 'problemId': None, 'description': None, 'text': Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process.}], 'srcPorts': []}, 'optional': False}]^M
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.0Z ERROR __main__ Distributed upgrade mode 'requirements' failed^M
YYYY-MM-DDHH1:MM:SS.1Z INFO root Exiting with exit-code 1^M


VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x


The config.xml file under syslogcollector is missing few configuration details like VC FQDN and SSO user name, update the config.xml file with correct values.


Follow the steps below to resolve "Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process" while migrating Windows vCenter 6.x to VCSA 6.7:

  1. Take backup of config.xml file.
    • Location: /ProgramData/VMware/vCenterServer/cfg/vmsyslogcollector/config.xml
  2. Open the config.xml file in Notepad and paste the below content in config.xml file and update vCenter FQDN and SSO username.
    • Note: [email protected] this might vary for few customers who configured custom SSO domain name, If its custom update SSO username as administrator@<sso_domain_name>
  <defaultInstallPath>C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vmsyslogcollector\</defaultInstallPath>
    <user>[email protected]</user>
    <start>C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vmsyslogcollector\bin\vecsync.bat</start>
  1. Save the file  
  2. Re-initiate the migration

For resolve the error when upgrading to vCenter Server Appliance 6.x see: "Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process" error when upgrading to vCenter Server Appliance 6.x