- Windows vCenter Server migration to VCSA 6.7 fails with error: Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process
- You will see the below similar entries in upgraderunner.log
{'name': 'com.vmware.syslog', 'installedOn': 'localhost', 'requirements': {'dstPortSpecs': [{'destina
tionPort': '${port}', 'installationKey': 'syslog.ext.port', 'reconfigure': True}, {'destinationPort': '${ssl.port}', 'installationKey': 'syslog.ext.tls.port',
{'vmdir.ldu-guid': '28b3c520-####-####-####-########ab3', '': '28437720-####-####-####-########ab3'}, 'userOptionSpecs': [], 'requirementMismatchSpecs': [{'resolution': Please search for these symptoms in the VMware Knowledge Base for any known issues and possible resolutions. If none can be found, collect a support bundle and open a support request., 'severity': 'ERROR', 'problemId': None, 'description': None, 'text': Internal error occurs during execution of upgrade process.}], 'srcPorts': []}, 'optional': False}]^M
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.0Z ERROR __main__ Distributed upgrade mode 'requirements' failed^M
YYYY-MM-DDHH1:MM:SS.1Z INFO root Exiting with exit-code 1^M