HighErrorRate event logic explanation
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HighErrorRate event logic explanation


Article ID: 304333


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VMware Smart Assurance


What OIDs does Smarts IP Performance Manager (PM/APM) poll and use to calculate a HighErrorRate event?


SMARTS - 10.1.x


  • The HighErrorRate event in Smarts PM is calculated based on the values of the following OIDs:
    • ifHCOutUcastPkts = "." 
    • ifHCOutMulticastPkts = "." 
    • ifInDiscards = "." 
    • ifInErrors = "." 
    • ifInUnknownProtos = "."


  • To calculate a HighErrorRate event, Smarts PM needs to have multiple polling of the above OIDs during the timeframe when the event is active. 


  • Smarts PM defines the rate function as the absolute difference of two successive IfInErrors values between polling intervals that are divided by the pollingInterval as follows:
rate( IfInErrors, pollingInterval ) = absolute( ( IfInErrors1 - IfInErrors2) ) / pollingInterval )


  • Smarts PM uses the following equation to generate the HighErrorRate event. This statement must return TRUE for a HighErrorRate event to be generated:
( InputPacketErrorRate > MinimumErrorRate ) && ( InputPacketErrorPct > ErrorThreshold )


  • The following sections of this Fix statement explain how the values in the above calculation are calculated.
    • InputPacketErrorPct
      The InputPacketErrorPct value is calculated using the following equation:
    InputPacketErrorPct = ( ( InputPacketErrorRate / InputPacketRate) * 100 )

         where InputPacketErrorRate = ifInErrorsRate.


    • InputPacketRate

                 The InputPacketRate value in the InputPacketErrorPct equation is derived from the following equation:

       InputPacketRate = ifInUcastPktsRate + ifInNUcastPktsRate + ifInDiscardsRate + ifInErrorsRate + ifInUnknownProtosRate


    • The following sections show the equations that provide the values in the above InputPacketRate equation.
      • ifInUcastPktsRate
        ifInUcastPktsRate = rate( ifHCOutUcastPkts, pollingInterval )
ifInNUcastPktsRate = rate( ifHCOutMulticastPkts, pollingInterval )
ifInDiscardsRate = rate( ifInDiscards, pollingInterval )
ifInErrorsRate = rate( IfInErrors, pollingInterval )
ifInUnknownProtosRate = rate( ifInUnknownProtos, pollingInterval )

Additional Information

MinimumErrorRate calculation explanation is available at MinimumErrorRate Explained