pks create-cluster one_worker --external-hostname oneworker --plan small -n 1 Name: one_worker Plan Name: small UUID: 3c679b4f-####-4490-99a5-f9a9d97e3bc1 Last Action: CREATE Last Action State: in progress Last Action Description: Creating cluster Kubernetes Master Host: oneworker Kubernetes Master Port: 8443 Worker Nodes: 1 Kubernetes Master IP(s): In Progress Use 'pks cluster one_worker' to monitor the state of your cluster
pks cluster one_worker Name: one_worker Plan Name: small UUID: 3c679b4f-####-####-99a5-f9a9d97e3bc1 Last Action: CREATE Last Action State: failed Last Action Description: Instance provisioning failed: There was a problem completing your request. Please contact your operations team providing the following information: service: p.pks, service-instance-guid: 3c679b4f-####-4490-99a5-f9a9d97e3bc1, broker-request-id: 9cdc363a-ce90-4927-bcbe-030609e236da, task-id: 1667, operation: create Kubernetes Master Host: one_worker Kubernetes Master Port: 8443 Worker Nodes: 1 Kubernetes Master IP(s): In Progress
bosh task 1667 --debug {"time":1531003250,"stage":"Fetching logs for apply-addons/6435229d-####-####-8fe7-ddd7bc98a796 (0)","tags":[],"total":1,"task":"Finding and packing log files","index":1,"state":"finished","progress":100} ', "result_output" = '{"instance":{"group":"apply-addons","id":"6435229d-####-####-8fe7-ddd7bc98a796"},"errand_name":"apply-addons","exit_code":1,"stdout":"Deploying /var/vcap/jobs/apply-specs/specs/kube-dns.yml\nservice \"kube-dns\" created\nserviceaccount \"kube-dns\" created\nconfigmap \"kube-dns-auth\" created\nconfigmap \"kube-dns\" created\ndeployment.extensions \"kube-dns\" created\nWaiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...\nfailed to start all system specs after 1200 with exit code 1\n","stderr":"error: deployment \"kube-dns\" exceeded its progress deadline\n","logs":{"blobstore_id":"e95fcfb4-####-####-76de-06cddba6a148","sha1":"d994360ee2013131e14ba4507e24b490dd141bf5"}}
bosh ssh -d service-instance_3c679b4f-57e0-4490-99a5-f9a9d97e3bc1 worker sudo su - cd /var/log/pods/<random-container-id>/nsx-ncp 1 2018-07-05T23:28:08.579Z c471cff7-####-####-####-73f3759fcd03 NSX 9 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-container-ncp" subcomp="ncp" level="ERROR" errorCode="NCP00007"] nsx_ujo.common.utils NSX configuration error: [u'IP space 14413ce9-####-####-####-a49046011f08 overlaps with IP space 7cb6e1ed-c19e-####-####-20c1fa0d1575'] 1 2018-07-05T23:28:08.580Z c471cff7-####-####-903b-73f3759fcd03 NSX 9 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-container-ncp" subcomp="ncp" level="CRITICAL" security="True" errorCode="NCP00001"] nsx_ujo.k8s.adaptor NCP configuration validation failed
This happens due to the the fact that two IP spaces overlap as seen from the message above - [u'IP space 14413ce9-86b5-4346-9e63-a49046011f08 overlaps with IP space 7cb6e1ed-c19e-4a45-a77a-20c1fa0d1575'] . The IP space UUIDs can be used to identify the objects under IP Pools, when you go to Inventory from NSX-T Manager. Under these objects the conflict is caused due to same CIDR ranges and tags used by NSX-T container plugin (NCP).
NCP expects that there are no conflicting CIDR for objects defined under IP Pools, when you go to Inventory from NSX-T Manager using the same NSX-T tags. For a successful cluster creation this conflict must be resolved.