2022-05-16 16:39:23.898024 +03,,,p36705,th-1798047872,,,,0,,,seg-1,,,,,"WARNING","08006","mirror failure, could not sent message to mirror msg header count '657925' local count '657925' : Connection reset by peer, failover requested","identifier 'base/16346565/16333637.2' operation 'write' relation type 'buffer pool' message count '657925'","run gprecoverseg to re-establish mirror connectivity",,,"mirroring role 'primary role' mirroring state 'resync' segment state 'up and running' process name(pid) 'primary sender process(36705)' filerep state 'up and running ' position begin '0x7f6a84c15040' position end '0x7f6a85415100' position insert '0x7f6a85189dd0' position consume '0x7f6a8518abd8' position wraparound '0x7f6a8540d060' insert count '658159' consume count '657925' ",,0,,"cdbfilerepprimary.c",1772, 2022-05-16 16:39:23.968007 +03,,,p36704,th-1798047872,,,2000-01-01 03:00:00 +03,0,,,seg-1,,,,,"LOG","00000","'set segment state', mirroring role 'primary role' mirroring state 'resync' segment state 'in fault' filerep state 'fault' process name(pid) 'primary receiver ack process(367 04)' 'cdbfilerep.c' 'L2444' 'FileRep_SetSegmentState'",,,,,,,0,,"cdbfilerep.c",1824,"Stack trace: 1 0x9659eb postgres errstart (elog.c:521) 2 0xa178d4 postgres FileRep_InsertConfigLogEntryInternal (cdbfilerep.c:1806) 3 0xa1af5c postgres FileRepSubProcess_SetState (cdbfilerepservice.c:555) 4 0xa1b232 postgres FileRepSubProcess_ProcessSignals (cdbfilerepservice.c:281) 5 0xa2952d postgres <symbol not found> (cdbfilerepprimaryack.c:260) 6 0xa299c9 postgres FileRepAckPrimary_StartReceiver (cdbfilerepprimaryack.c:232) 7 0xa1b875 postgres FileRepSubProcess_Main (cdbfilerepservice.c:834) 8 0xa15d06 postgres <symbol not found> (cdbfilerep.c:2667) 9 0xa1a99c postgres FileRep_Main (cdbfilerep.c:3549) 10 0x58a733 postgres AuxiliaryProcessMain (bootstrap.c:513) 11 0x7d841b postgres <symbol not found> (postmaster.c:7395) 12 0x7dcd9c postgres StartFilerepProcesses (postmaster.c:1622) 13 0x7e6699 postgres doRequestedPrimaryMirrorModeTransitions (primary_mirror_mode.c:1760) 14 0x7e1461 postgres <symbol not found> (postmaster.c:2465) 15 0x7e36aa postgres PostmasterMain (postmaster.c:1533) 16 0x4cdbe7 postgres main (main.c:206) 17 0x7f6a90243545 libc.so.6 __libc_start_main + 0xf5 18 0x4ce19c postgres <symbol not found> + 0x4ce19c " 2022-05-16 16:39:23.968217 +03,,,p36704,th-1798047872,,,2000-01-01 03:00:00 +03,0,,,seg-1,,,,,"LOG","00000","'set filerep state', mirroring role 'primary role' mirroring state 'resync' segment state 'in fault' filerep state 'fault' process name(pid) 'primary receiver ack process(367 04)' 'cdbfilerepservice.c' 'L574' 'FileRepSubProcess_SetState'",,,,,,,0,,"cdbfilerep.c",1824,
Note: It is usually possible to make the following changes while the database is up, however, it is advised that the DB is shutdown while making any of the changes below. The following steps should be taken on ALL hosts in the cluster.
ethtool -k bond0 ethtool -k bond0 | egrep 'generic-receive-offload|large-receive-offload'The lro (large-receive-offload) should be "on" and gro (generic-receive-offload) should be "off"
ethtool -K bond0 lro on gro offTo make the settings persistent after a reboot, add the following line to the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0
ETHTOOL_OPTS="-K ${DEVICE} lro on gro off"
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ egrep 'MASTER=bond0' ifcfg-*or run
ifconfig -a | egrep -B3 $(ifconfig bond0 | egrep ether | awk '{print $2}')Once the NICs are known, check the ring buffer sizes with
ethtool -g <NIC>Note: replace <NIC> with the appropriate NIC name.
ethtool -G <NIC> tx 4096 rx 4096Note: replace <NIC> with the appropriate NIC name.
ETHTOOL_OPTS="-G ${DEVICE} rx 4096 tx 4096"