How To Collect Sensor Logs Locally (Windows)
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How To Collect Sensor Logs Locally (Windows)


Article ID: 292181


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Describe the steps needed to collect the CBC Sensor logs from a Windows device locally


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: 2.1.x.x -3.3.x (formerly CB Defense)
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: 3.3.x.x and Higher
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


3.6.x.x and Higher
  1. Log into the desired device (either directly or via RDP)
  2. Open a Command line from the Confer Directory 'C:\Program Files\Confer'
  3. Run the following command 'repcli capture'
    C:\Program Files\Confer>repcli capture <LocalOutputPath>
    repcli capture C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts that show you where the now zipped sensor log file is located
    Collecting diagnostic data (this may take a few minutes)...
    Captured diagnostic data in <LocalOutputPath>\
  5. Rename the zip file to match the name of the device
  6. Upload the file via or upload link provided by Support

For Sensor Versions Pre-3.3.x.x
$#%This method should only be used upon request from a Carbon Black representative$#%
  1. Log into the desired device (either directly or via RDP)
  2. Right click cmd.exe
  3. Click "Run as Administrator"
  4. Run the following command:
    sc query cbdefense
    • If the sensor is installed, you will receive a readout of it's current status
    • If the sensor is not installed, you will receive an error
  5. If the sensor is installed, run
    sc control cbdefense 128
  6. Collect the resulting file from C:\windows\temp\confer-temp
  7. Rename the zip file to match the name of the device
  8. Upload the file via or Smartfile link provided by Support

For Sensor Versions 3.3.x.x and Higher (RepCLI Command Utility)
3.3.x.x thru 3.5.x.x
  1. Log into the desired device (either directly or via RDP)
  2. Open a Command line from the Confer Directory 'C:\Program Files\Confer'
  3. Run the following command 'repcli capture'
    C:\Program Files\Confer>repcli capture
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts that show you where the now zipped sensor log file is located
  5. Rename the zip file to match the name of the device
  6. Upload the file via or Smartfile link provided by Support

Additional Information

  • Zip file name example:
  • Commands to execute step 3 in powershell: 
cmd.exe /c "sc control cbdefense 128"
.\RepCLI.exe capture