Carbon Black Cloud: How to fetch logs for VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk
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Carbon Black Cloud: How to fetch logs for VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk


Article ID: 291927


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Retrieve app logs in Splunk 8.x while troubleshooting an issue with VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk


  • Carbon Black Cloud Web Console: All Versions
  • Splunk: 8.x (On-Premise only)
  • VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk: 1.x


  1. Using a shell prompt on the appropriate Splunk node, go to the folder $SPLUNK_HOME/bin in *nix or %SPLUNK_HOME%\bin in Windows
  2. Run the following command, according to which Splunk node is experiencing the issue:
    1. Main app (single instance or distributed) 
      splunk diag --collect=app:vmware_app_for_splunk
    2. IA/Input Add-on (on Heavy Forwarder; distributed instance only)
      splunk diag --collect=app:IA-vmware_app_for_splunk
    3. TA/Technology Add-on (on Indexer; distributed instance only) 
      splunk diag --collect=app:TA-vmware_app_for_splunk
  3. This will generate a file in the Splunk home directory named: diag-<server name>-<date>.tar.gz

Additional Information

  • This article is for general reference purposes
  • If any difficulties are encountered while gathering Splunk logs, please contact Splunk for support
  • Customers using Splunk Cloud Platform will need assistance from Splunk support