How to Collect Carbon Black Cloud Sensor logs locally (Linux)
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How to Collect Carbon Black Cloud Sensor logs locally (Linux)


Article ID: 291912


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Audit and Remediation (formerly Cb Live Ops) Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


How to locally collect logs and configuration information from the Carbon Black Cloud Linux endpoint sensor.


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


  1. Connect to Linux endpoint. 
  2. From the terminal, run:
    2.6.x.x Sensor and below
    Download and install the diagnostics script that is attached to this article record.
    Then run the command below. 2.7.x.x Sensor and above sudo /opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/ --verbose --debug
  3. Script will complete and display file name
  4. Retrieve and upload the log files (.tgz file) to the case record.   
  5. Let the Support team know when the file has been uploaded.

Additional Information

  • Output file (diags_{hostname}_{epoch_time}_{random}.tgz) is created in /tmp/ by default
  • To change the output path, use the '--output-dir' parameter; For example, to create the file in the user’s home directory:
    sudo ./ --verbose --debug --output-dir $HOME
  • The script also collects various system identity, configuration, and state information
  • The collected information helps VMware Carbon Black understand and repair problems that occur at runtime or during agent installation

Attachments get_app