How to get raw process documents via Curl (Clustered)
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How to get raw process documents via Curl (Clustered)


Article ID: 291490


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Query a clustered EDR server environment for raw process document information.


  • EDR Server: 6.x and above (Formerly CB Response)
  • Clustered server environment


See Additional Information section for standalone server environments
  1. Log into the EDR web console.
  2. Perform a process search and click a resulting process to bring you to the Process Analysis page.
  3. In the Process Analysis page grab the Unique ID (highlighted in red) from the browser URL
  4. Log into the master server via ssh/terminal and run the following command, replacing the <uniqueid> and <Node_*_IP> with the IP/FQDN's of the minion nodes depending on how many are in your environment.
    curl 'http://localhost:8080/solr/reader/select?shards=<Node_1_IP>:8080/solr/reader,<Node_2_IP>:8080/solr/reader&q=id:<uniqueid>*&rows=0'
  5. View the "numFound" and enter a value greater than in the &rows= section of the next command.
  6. Run the following command, in the example numFound came back as 29, so 40 is used to give a buffer as the rows=
    curl 'http://localhost:8080/solr/reader/select?shards=<Node_1_IP>:8080/solr/reader,<Node_2_IP>:8080/solr/reader&q=id:<uniqueid>*&wt=json&indent=true&rows=40&debug=track&sort=last_server_update%20asc' >> <uniqueid>.json && /usr/share/cb/cbpost <uniqueid>.json

Additional Information

  • Common Errors:
    • "The requested resource is not available": Curl command was run on the incorrect server/node.
    • "numFound=0": Incorrect or missing unique id,  incorrect server/node or md5 hash is lowercase.
  • Process documents resulting from this process may provide limited results. Alternative method: