How to manually Update Virus Definition Signature via RepCLI
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How to manually Update Virus Definition Signature via RepCLI


Article ID: 291481


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


How to manually Update Virus Definition Signature via RepCLI


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: 3.3 and Higher
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


Sensor Version 3.6 and Higher

  1. Launch Command Prompt.
  2. Execute the following command to force a signature update
    "%ProgramFiles%\Confer\RepCLI.exe" localscanner updatesignature -wait
    Success Message: The signature update has finished
    Failure Message: Error: The signature update has failed, see upd.log and confer.log for more details. Command failed


Sensor Version 3.5 and Lower
  1. Navigate to the path where RepCLI is located, usually %ProgramFiles%/Confer; as per How to Access RepCLI Utility
  2. Run RepCLI Unlock <code> or put the sensor in bypass mode so that you are able to run privilege commands.
  3. Run:
"%ProgramFiles%\Confer\RepCLI.exe" UpdateAvSignature -wait
Success Message: The request of AV signature update has been requested
Failure Message: Error: Failed to trigger the signature update, see confer.log for more details Command failed

Additional Information

  • As of the 3.5 Sensor, command line signature updates no longer require RepCLI Authentication and can be run as a script or scheduled task.
  • Virus Definition Files are required only when "On-access file scan mode" is set to Normal or Aggressive.
  • If the "Allow signature updates" Policy setting is Disabled, signature updates via RepCLI will fail.