Carbon Black Cloud: How to Collect Data for Troubleshooting a MacOS Kernel Panic
Article ID: 291085
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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)
Provides steps on collecting the information needed for Cb Support to diagnose a MacOS kernel panic/crash.
Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Versions
Apple MacOS: All Versions
1. Provide answers:
What actions are being performed?
How many devices is this occurring with?
Provide the device name, operating system, and installed sensor version.
Timestamp of the kernel crash
Are there blocks in the console at the time of the crash?
If so, is a system file being blocked?
Is it reproducible?
If sensor is in bypass does the machine still crash?
Are there any third-party security applications installed?
If so, are the AV exclusions in place?
2. Collect the files:
MacOS Core Dump
3. Upload the collected files:
Additional Information
About MacOS core dumps:
Core dumps are located in the /cores/ directory for all versions.
MacOS 10.4 and Higher:
Core dumps are disabled by default. To enable core dumps on a MacOS machine of version 10.4 and higher create the file, /etc/launchd.conf. Next, restart the machine and reproduce the issue to collect the core dump file.
Prior to MacOS 10.4:
Enable core dumps on a system-wide basis by changing the following line in /etc/hostconfig from: