Cb Defense: How to Deploy Sensor with Jamf Cloud
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Cb Defense: How to Deploy Sensor with Jamf Cloud


Article ID: 288869


Updated On: 06-19-2019


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Deploy the Cb Defense Sensor with Jamf Cloud


  • Cb Defense Sensor: All Versions
  • Cb Defense PSC Console: All Versions
  • Apple macOS: All Supported Versions
  • Jamf Cloud used for MDM and software deployment


Prepare Installation Package and Scripts

  1. Download the Cb Defense macOS Sensor Install kit to Mac endpoint
  2. Mount the confer_installer_mac-<version>.dmg file and extract the "CbDefense Install.pkg" and "cbdefense_install_unattended.sh" files
  3. Edit the "cbdefense_install_unattended.sh" file to included the required COMPANY_CODE and CBD_INSTALLER values (add values in between quotation marks)(all other values are optional)
  4. Create a separate pre-install script that that will use the Curl command to download the "Cb Defense Install.pkg" to the location referenced in the "cbdefense_install_unattended.sh".  Example of script to that will download Cb Defense Installer to the /tmp directory of a client:
    #This script will pull the CbDefenseInstaller.pkg from an AWS S3 bucket or other network location and download it to the /tmp/ directory on a macOS client machine. 
    #The file will need to be public for this command to function (See AWS documentation if Authentication is required). 
    #The command option is the letter "O" rather than the number "0"
    cd /tmp/
    curl -O (URL to File goes here) -O /tmp/

Upload Installer and Scripts to Jamf Cloud 

  1. Upload the installer to Jamf Cloud by navigating in Jamf to All Settings > Computer Management > Packages
  2. If using an AWS S3 Bucket, log in the AWS management instance and navigate to AWS > S3 > S3 Bucket > File > Actions > Make Public to make the package available
  3. Upload both the Pre-install script and the "cbdefense_install_unattended.sh" file to Jamf Cloud under All Settings > Computer Management > Scripts

Create Deployment Policy in Jamf Cloud

  1. Navigate to Jamf Cloud > Computers > Policies > Add New.
  2. Edit the Scripts section of the new policy.
  3. Set the Cb Defense Pre-install script to "Before" so that it runs first and downloads the "CbDefense Installer.pkg" to the designated directory 
  4. Set the "cbdefense_install_unattended.sh" to "After" so that it will run after the download of the "CbDefense Installer.pkg" and install the Cb Defense Sensor

Additional Information

  • While this article focuses on using an AWS S3 bucket for hosting application installers, this method may be used for other hosting methods
  • Note that the above script is accessing a Cb Defense installer which is publicly reachable in AWS S3
  • The "Cb Defense Install.pkg" does not include the Company Code or any other data that will link the installer to any organization
  • There are options outlined in AWS documentation for using Curl to download from S3 buckets with a Username, Password, and Access Keys
  • Kext approval for the Cb Defense Sensor is required on macOS 10.13 and higher
  • Kext approval can be configured with a Configuration Profile within Jamf that can be pushed out to managed machines independent of the Cb Defense install process
  • The Kext can be pre-approved with MDM policy either through Jamf or other MDM solutions