EDR: How to enable event cold storage
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EDR: How to enable event cold storage


Article ID: 287931


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How to enable to event cold storage for later viewing


  • EDR Server: 6.1.x and above (Formerly CB Response)


  1. Log into the server via ssh/terminal
  2. Open /etc/cb/cb.conf
  3. Find the value "AlwaysDeleteColdPartitions=" and set to false
  4. Restart the server services: https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/CB-Response-How-to-restart-server-services/ta-p/41294

Additional Information

  • For clustered environments, the configuration needs to be added to the minions/nodes as well before service restart
  • If "AlwaysDeleteColdPartitions=" does not exist, add it anywhere as a line in the cb.conf file
  • Cold cores should be moved off the Response data drive to ensure warm core retention has enough space