App Control: How To Re-register Duplicate Computers
Article ID: 286692
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Re-register duplicate computers so all Connected Agents can be displayed in the Console.
App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
App Control Console: All Supported Versions
Identify Relevant Duplicate Computers:
Log in to the Console and navigate to Reports > Events > Saved Views > Duplicate Computer Registrations.
Set the Max Age to 3 hours.
Expand the first relevant group.
Right click the computer name > Open in new tab.
Re-register Relevant Duplicate computer:
From the Computer Details page > right side menu > Re-register Computer.
When prompted, click Go > Yes > Save. Note: If theĀ option does not exist, this Agent is not currently seen as a Duplicate Computer.
This will flag all machines that have the same host ID as this machine to re-register and obtain a new, unique host ID.
Additional Information
Only need to expand on one machine per group
It may take a while for all machines to get properly registered. CheckĀ back after 24 hrs for status on this view to see if any more are showing after setting the max age to one day or less.