Best practices for creating and managing the das database backups.
App Control Server: All Supported Versions
Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions
The App Control database uses the "Simple" recovery model.
The "Full" recovery model should not be used to avoid a performance penalty and excessive database log growth.
If Full recovery mode is used then frequent transaction log backups must be configured.
Full recovery mode is required for Always On Availability Groups and Database Mirroring.
The automated database backup feature built into the Console is not designed for deployments of more than 100 endpoints.
For deployments of more than 100 endpoints a Maintenance Plan should be created via SQL Server Management Studio.
Recommended frequency for full backups is no more than 2-3 per week. More frequent backups could impact server performance.
Backups may impact performance and should be avoided during busy times (such as App Control Server maintenance tasks, typically between midnight and 6AM)
Backups should not be stored on the same drive as the App Control database.