To determine current status of Background Scan on a Carbon Black Cloud sensor
Method 1: Via Repcli
Method 2: Via Live Response
cd C:\Program Files\Confer
execfg repcli status
Method 3: Via Live Query
Method 4: Via Event Viewer
Method 1: Via Repcli
sudo /Applications/VMware\ Carbon\ Black\ Cloud/repcli.bundle/Contents/MacOS/repcli status | grep Background
Method 2: Via Live Response
cd /Applications/VMware\ Carbon\ Black\ Cloud/repcli.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
execfg ./repcli "status" | grep Background
Method 3: Via the Apple Unified log
log show --predicate 'process == "repmgr" and eventMessage contains "BACKGROUND_SCAN"'
Open a CLI and run the command:
/opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/repcli status
------Outputs omitted-------
Local Scan Info:
Local Scan Complete: True
Scan Mode: Expedite
Local Scan Running: False
To check the start time and end time and few other details about the background scan run command:
grep LocalScanMgr /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/log/blades/E51C4A7E-2D41-4F57-99BC-6AA907CA3B40/threat_hunter_log.txt
[2024-09-11 06:58:47.034358] [2454:2473] [I] LocalScanMgr : StartLocalScan : Starting local scan...
[2024-09-11 06:58:47.034648] [2454:2473] [I] LocalScanMgr : StartLocalScan : Local Scan starting in Non-expedited mode
[2024-09-11 06:58:47.034658] [2454:2473] [I] LocalScanMgr : StartLocalScan : MaxScanTimeInHours set to = 48
[2024-09-11 06:58:47.035028] [2454:2473] [I] LocalScanMgr : StartLocalScan : Successfully started Local Scan
[2024-09-11 07:04:48.251413] [2454:2461] [I] LocalScanMgr : UpdateLocalScanMode : Updated Local Scan mode to EXPEDITED.
[2024-09-11 10:14:18.297630] [2454:2505] [I] LocalScanMgr : ThreadLoop : Local Scan completed, attempting to shutdown Local Scan...
[2024-09-11 10:14:18.298382] [2454:2505] [I] LocalScanMgr : ThreadLoop : Local Scan: Total files hashed = 43370
[2024-09-11 10:14:18.298391] [2454:2505] [I] LocalScanMgr : ThreadLoop : Local Scan: Total files not hashed = 70947