systemctl restart cb-yara-connector systemctl restart cb-yara-manager systemctl status cb-yara-connector systemctl status cb-yara-manager
Yara Manager is in the left menu column of EDR Console after cb.conf changes. Look for errors: less /var/log/cb/integrations/cb-yara-connector/yaraconnector.log less /var/log/cb/integrations/cb-yara-manager/cb-yara-manager.log
psql -d cb -p 5002 -c "select * from storefiles where md5hash='\x<hash>';"
select md5,last_scan_date from binarydetonationresult where md5="<hash>"
grep <hash> /var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed.json
curl 'http://localhost:8080/solr/cbfeeds/select?q=id:"binary_<md5 hash lower case here>"'
/var/log/cb/integrations/cb-yara-connector/yaraconnector.log journalctl -fexu cb-yara-connectorb) Yara Manager logs
/var/log/cb/integrations/cb-yara-manager/cb-yara-manager.logc) Monitor binary.db. Does it grow in size as new binaries arrive to EDR? First command presents the total binaries scanned (should increase).
sqlite3 /var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed_db/binary.db "select count(*) from binarydetonationresult;" sqlite3 /var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed_db/binary.db "select count(*) from binarydetonationresult where ‘binary_not_available’ and ‘score’>0;”d) Run a Process Search in EDR console and expand the time range to "All available".
alliance_score_yara:*e) Check for new binaries in Postgres. Modify the timestamp as needed.
psql -p 5002 cb -c “select md5hash,node_id from storefiles where present_locally=true and timestamp>=’2023-05-19 00:00:00’ order by timestamp desc;”f) Feed tile does not appear on Threat Intelligence page.
client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 0 0 0
URL: file://var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed.jsong) By design, due to performance reasons, the connector does not retroactively go back to rescan binaries for matches when a rule is uploaded. The db would need to be cleared and trigger a new scan from the beginning.
systemctl stop cb-yara-manager systemctl stop cb-yara-connector cp /etc/cb/integrations/cb-yara-connector/yara_rules/.YARA_RULES* /etc/cb/integrations/cb-yara-connector/yara_rules/.YARA_RULES-bkup rm /etc/cb/integrations/cb-yara-connector/yara_rules/.YARA_RULES* rm /var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed.json rm /var/cb/data/cb-yara-connector/feed_db/binary* systemctl start cb-yara-connector systemctl start cb-yara-manageri) Yara-connector does not automatically start after reboot.
log_level=DEBUGk) Verify the Threat Report is populated from the Yara Feed tile or run the following command on the EDR Primary server.
curl 'http://localhost:8080/solr/cbfeeds/select?q=id:"binary_<md5 hash lower case here>"'l) The binary scan does not start and feed.json remains empty.
* Confirm the mode is set to 'standalone' (even in an EDR cluster on primary server) * Confirm the token in the yara configuration has adequate permissions to access the binaries and the account is active.j) The binary.db and feed.json are populated but alerts do not appear in the console. The connection with Solr may be broken.
* Check the Solr logs and yara-connector logs for errors. * Consider resetting the yara-connector noted in step h.