- Log onto the Apple macOS endpoint exhibiting performance issues.
- Generate a process sample for the sensor:
# sudo sample CbOsxSensorService 10 1 -f ~/Desktop/process_sample_`hostname`_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`.log
- Generate a macOS sensor diag report.
- If necessary, update the technical support case with further relevant information:
- Is the performance issue a reproducible scenario and if so, what steps, if any, are taken to reproduce it?
(For example, were any backups, updates, or large file transfers being performed?)
- How many endpoints are affected? What are their general system profiles and function?
- What other security applications/real-time scanners are installed?
- How long do the performance issues last?
- What actions, if any, return the system performance to normal?
- Is the endpoint connected to to any network shares?
- Does this endpoint generate a large number of logs, binaries, or PDF reports?