Silently Uninstall Sensor on a Windows Machine
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Silently Uninstall Sensor on a Windows Machine


Article ID: 284875


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How to silently uninstall the EDR Sensor on a Windows machine


  • EDR: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


  1. Open an elevated command prompt window.
  2. Ensure the current working directory is not in the installed sensor's path by running cd c:\ 
  3. Then run: 
    %WINDIR%\CarbonBlack\uninst.exe /S

Additional Information

  • If the EDR Sensor won't uninstall or is reinstalling automatically, another program is causing this to happen.
  • If there is no uninst.exe on a system it can be moved from another system but should be the same version as the version of the sensor installed.
  • If the App Control agent is installed on the system, some App Control settings could be conflicting.