When upgrading the Harvest SCM server to the next version, two steps are involved. The first step is installing the software, and the second is upgrading the Harvest SCM database schema to the next level. This document explains the second of these two steps, upgrading the Harvest SCM database schema on SQL Server.
CA Harvest SCM all versions, the Windows platform
The first thing to know is if your Harvest SCM Server software is not installed on the same computer with the SQL Server database software, some client components must be installed to enable connectivity between Harvest SCM Server and the database.
Download links for all these prerequisite components can be found at the bottom of this article.
Ensure you can connect to the Harvest database on the SQL Server server using SQL Server Management Studio and the login credentials for the Harvest database owner
Before beginning the HDBSetup application, you should check to be sure all Harvest related processes have been shut down on the server. The easiest way to do this is to open Task Manager and go to the Processes tab. If you see any processes named "Bkrd.EXE", "hserver.EXE", or "RTserver executable (32 bit)," end those tasks, starting with the "Bkrd.EXE" first, then any "hserver.EXE" tasks and finally the "RTserver" task.
You can execute the HDBSetup application in either of these ways.
Once the HDBSetup application has begun, these are the steps to take
If everything is successful at this point, you have successfully upgraded your Harvest database schema.
Here is where you can find SQL Server Management Studio for download: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-ver15#download-ssms
Here is where you can find Microsoft sqlcmd utility for download: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/tools/sqlcmd/sqlcmd-utility?view=sql-server-ver15&tabs=odbc%2Cwindows&pivots=cs1-cmd#download-and-install-sqlcmd