VNA install failing because Java 17 is not installed
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VNA install failing because Java 17 is not installed


Article ID: 276852


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DX NetOps CA Virtual Network Assurance


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Java version 17 is not installed. Please install Java 17.
A problem occurred during installation (install directory not deleted). Backing up to /opt/install/CA_VNA_Install_bak

Can this work with JAVA 11?? We are having trouble getting JAVA 17 for RH7


VNA/SDX 23.3.3 and later


java 17 is required for 23.3.3 and higher

Default JDK:
  • (23.3.3 and higher) Oracle or any OpenJDK 64-bit Java 17


Java 17 should work fine even though it will likely not be in the RHEL 7 yum repository

The required Java 17 JDK can be downloaded from:

Make sure to download the JDK not JRE.


The following is an example of using this JDK:

1. Download the java 17 tar.gz or below is an example of using wget to do it directly. Note there may be newer versions available, this is just an example:

# wget

2. Extract it into a directory

# tar -xvf OpenJDK17U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.9_9.tar.gz --directory /opt/jdk-17.0.9+93. Update alternatives to include the downloaded version of java

3. Change directory

# cd jdk-17.0.9+9

4. Update alternatives

# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java $(pwd)/bin/java 0

5. Set the java version to 17 using:

# alternatives --config java

There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

Selection Path Priority Status
* 0 /opt/jdk-11.0.18+10/bin/java 1 auto mode
1 /opt/jdk-11.0.18+10/bin/java 1 manual mode
2 /opt/jdk-17.0.9+9/bin/java 0 manual mode

6. Then proceed with VNA installation

Additional Information

If the installation is still failing with errors relating to Java 17 please review the following KB:

VNA upgrade from 23.3.1 to 23.3.4 fails - wildfly does not start