Oracle 19c Quick Install Guide for Linux
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Oracle 19c Quick Install Guide for Linux


Article ID: 273868


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This is a Quick Install guide for the Oracle Database Server

For the full "DLP Quick Install Guides" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guides




This is a quick install guide for an Oracle Standard installation on Linux


Please note that the following instructions are version agnostic, and can generally be used on any currently supported version. As such you will find several variables denoted such as "<DLPversion>" to indicate where a version number "should" be used. You will need to replace these variables with the appropriate version that you are attempting to use. Below are a few examples of such translations...

<DLPversion>  = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2
<DLPfullversion>  = 16.0.10000.60631
<ORACLEversion>  = 193000 or
<JREversion> = jdk8u322-b06 or 8u322b06


Oracle 19c Implementation Guide: Implementing the Database
Download the Oracle Software:
Installation zip: LINUX.X64_<ORACLEversion> This is found in the DLP Platform Package "Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion> _Platform_Lin-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip"

Stand Alone Installation: When installing Oracle on its own server, please note that you MUST install the Oracle Client on the Enforce Server.

RHEL Server Registration: RHEL Registration Quick Install Guide for Linux


     DLP on RHEL: How to open firewalld ports

Download additional software:
     yum install nano zip unzip
     - This will install "nano", "zip", and "unzip"
     - You may see a message indicating that one or more of these is already installed. That is perfectly fine, you can install any missing utilities and move on.

Create the Environment Variables:
     Environment Variables Quick Install Guide for Linux

Downloading the Oracle Tools: Extract the "Symantec_DLP_<version>_Platform_Lin-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip" file
     - Browse the installation directory for "DLP\<DLPversion>\New_Installs\Oracle_Configuration\<ORACLEversion>_64_bit_Installation_Tools_Lin.tar.gz"
     - Create the following directory on your Linux Server…
mkdir /OracleInstallers/install_tools


Once the files are copied in, update the permissions with.

chmod 755 *

With the permissions updates we will now unzip the tar file to /OracleInstallers/install_tools:

     - Unzip the "<ORACLEversion>_64_bit_Installation_Tools_Lin.tar.gz" into the new "/OracleInstallers/install_tools" directory. 

tar -xvf <ORACLEversion>_64_bit_Installation_Tools_Lin.tar.gz -C /OracleInstallers/install_tools/


Installing Oracle:

Add appropriate user groups, for this scenario we will use the rhel group "dba" for all oracle required groups.

useradd oracle
passwd oracle
     - For this example, we used the password "<Your Password>".
     - The BAD PASSWORD error message is expected and not an issue.
groupadd -g 54321 oinstall
groupadd -g 54322 dba
usermod -g oinstall -G dba oracle
Create the Oracle Home Directory Path: 
mkdir -p /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle/
yum install -y bc binutils compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf elfutils-libelf-devel fontconfig-devel glibc glibc-devel ksh libaio libaio-devel libX11 libXau libXi libXtst libXrender libXrender-devel libgcc libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libxcb make smartmontools sysstat


Extract the DB home to the Oracle Home Dir: (Be sure to login as the oracle user) 
su - oracle
cd /OracleInstallers/
unzip LINUX.X64_<ORACLEversion> -d /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1
Run the Oracle Installer via the following steps: 
cd /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /OracleInstallers/install_tools/oracle_install/responsefiles/singleinstance/Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Standard_Edition_Installation_Linux.rsp
You will be asked to run the following as ROOT!
As the root using, execute the following script (s):
su - root
You will change back to the ORACLE user and modify the rsp file and the dbt files in preparation of running the DBCA.
su - oracle
cd /OracleInstallers/install_tools/oracle_install/responsefiles/singleinstance/
nano Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_DBCA_Linux.rsp
Edit the rsp file for installation and configure the below settings:
Comment out the "templateName" line and add a new row
      Update the Sys user password to "Sys Password".
sysPassword=<Your Sys Password>
systemPassword=<Your System Password>
serviceUserPassword=<Your Service User Password>
When complete save the file.
Run the dbca to create the database:
cd /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/bin/
./dbca -silent -createdatabase -responsefile /OracleInstallers/install_tools/oracle_install/responsefiles/singleinstance/Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_DBCA_Linux.rsp
Database install should be about a half hour:
Run the Netca:
Current path should be: /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/bin
./netca -silent -responsefile /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/assistants/netca/netca.rsp 

(this will not create the tnsname.ora for us, we will create it later) 

Once netca finishes we will create the TNSNAMES.ORA:
# Manually create the tnsnames.ora
nano /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
######### tnsnames.ora sample ##########
      (SID = CLRExtProc)

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracle)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = protect)

Update the SQLNET.ORA file:
    # Update sqlnet.ora authentication methods to "none" (usually required for our lab environments, may not apply to customers)
nano /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
Update the LISTENER.ORA file:
Update file per oracle implementation guide.
lsnrctl stop
nano /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
- Update the hostname to IP Address of the Oracle Server (should match what you have in the tnsnames.ora file)
- Add the text "SECURE_REGISTER_LISTENER = (IPC)" to the end of the file without the quotes
*******************************listener.ora example****************************************************
# listener.ora Network Configuration File: /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.SID_LIST_LISTENER =
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:/opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/bin/oraclr19.dll")
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
Restart the listener so the changes take affect:
lsnrctl start
If the server is under-resourced the protect service may be delayed in start-up, give it a few moments and check the status by running: 
lsnrctl status
You can see the services started in the screen shot below: 
Update listener in the db:
sqlplus /nolog
connect sys/<password> as sysdba
NOTE: if the database throws an error that initPROTECT.ora is missing, create a blank "initProtect.ora" in the /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/db_1/dbs directory. 
Run the following commands (Per implementation guide)
Verify if the listener is up
lsnrctl services
Create oracle user account:
Perform the following procedure to create an Oracle user account and name it “protect.”
Run the following command using SQL*Plus to run the oracle_create_user.sql script:
sqlplus /nolog 
At the Please enter the password for sys user prompt, enter the password for the SYS user.
At the Please enter SID prompt, enter protect.
At the Please enter required username to be created prompt, enter protect for the user name.
At the Please enter a password for the new username prompt, enter a new password.
Follow these guidelines to create acceptable passwords:
Passwords cannot contain more than 30 characters.lsnrct
Passwords cannot contain double quotation marks, commas, or backslashes.
Avoid using the & character.
Passwords are case-sensitive by default. You can change the case sensitivity through an Oracle configuration setting.
If your password uses special characters other than _, #, or $, or if your password begins with a number, you must enclose the password in double quotes when you configure it.
The LINUX ORACLE Install is now ready for DLP to connect to it.