This is related to a Gen 8.6 upgrade.
This particular module is an online module that is deployed on CICS and generated with 8.5.
The same module works OK when running under Gen 8.5 runtimes, but fails with AEYY abend while running with Gen 8.6 runtimes.
Release : 8.6
Gen Engineering requested CICS AUXTRACE and SYMDUMP from which they could see that online non-screen transaction is calling DB2 to do a DELETE. It received -805 error because the 8.6 TIRPROFD DBRM for the RPROF table had not been bound.
By default the Gen runtime error handling tries to send an error message to the screen and because it is a non-screen transaction it resulted in the abend.
The z/OS IT was being used and there is a job ITJOB08R that needs to be run on the runtime environment to bind the TIRPROFD DBRM: Configuring z/OS Implementation Toolset > Configuration Variables - Implementation Toolset
After the TIRPROFD DBRM was rebound the online transaction was then successful.
If using Gen Host Encyclopedia Construction the equivalent bind job for the TIRPROFD DBRM is CEJOB15R: Host Encyclopedia > Host Encyclopedia Construction > The Runtime Profile (RPROF) Table for DB2
In addition the TIRTERMA user exit controls how errors are handled. It can be customised to not write to the terminal for a non-screen transaction i.e. instead write to the CICS log so any errors can be captured instead of causing an abend/unhandled condition: z/OS Blockmode User Exits - CICS > TIRTERMA - Termination Exit
When capturing traces via CICS AUXTRACE these steps should be used:
Use CETR to do this and use Auxiliary Switch Status = Next so that you capture 2 trace files worth of data.
Please ensure you do not suppress the following Trace points (use PF4 in CETR to see the Components). Make sure they are as follows in the STANDARD column:
AP=1-2, DM=ALL, DS=ALL, EI=1-2, KC=ALL, KE=ALL, LM=ALL, SC=ALL, SM=ALL, SH=ALL, TS=ALL, US=ALL, XM=ALL, all others should be 1 or more.
The contents of the DFHAUXT/DFHBUXT datasets will be required.