Error: Error Calling RegOpenKeyExA: Access is denied when trying to launch the DetectionServer.msp
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Error: Error Calling RegOpenKeyExA: Access is denied when trying to launch the DetectionServer.msp


Article ID: 241690


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Cloud Package Data Loss Prevention Enterprise Suite


When trying to launch the DetectionServer.msi to install Symantec DLP 15.8 on a detection server, the following error appears:

Error Calling RegOpenKeyExA: Access is denied. (HRESULT: 0x5)


Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15.8
Windows 2019


Even though the logged in user has Admin privileges, they do not have permissions to run the msp


Launch the msp through an Administrator Command Prompt.

  1. Start > Command Prompt (right-click) > Run as Administrator
  2. In the Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where DetectionServer.msi exists.
  3. Launch the DetectionServer.msi

The Install GUI should launch successfully.