We recommend that all Spectrum users who use SRM perform an optimize tables on the Reporting database on a monthly basis.
What is the recommendation in order to do this.
Release : 10.x / 21.x
Component : Spectrum Report Manager
Normal Monthly Database Maintenance
You can use a cron job for Linux or Windows Scheduler to enable a monthly task for optimize with mysqlcheck
All commands to be run from $SPECROOT/mysql/bin
For Spectrum 21.2.4 and higher (Linux)
./mysqlcheck --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<password> -o reporting;
For Spectrum 21.2.4 and higher (Windows)
./mysqlcheck -uroot -p<password> -o reporting;
For Spectrum 21.2.2 and lower (Linux)
./mysqlcheck --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<password> -o reporting;
For Spectrum 21.2.2 and lower (Windows)
./mysqlcheck -uroot -p<password> -o reporting;
Please note that you should have at a minimum 2x the amount of free disk space of your largest table before running the optimize command.
You can see your report manager tables at $SPECROOT/mysql/data/reporting