Upgrading to GEN 8.6 and not seeing JCL, SQL or PARMLIB libraries. If you do not see a TIUPARML dataset allocation as in prior GEN 8.* releases and are wondering is this a dataset delivered with part of the GEN release 8.6 installation? If you are seeing messages similar to DBT not valid subsystem, subsystem invalid, invalid PGM name, Link to 'TICDDTB' failed, abend code = x'00000806', TILTABLE VARIABLE BLANK, or ALLOCATION ERROR, odds are that you have not completed your Gen configuration and run CEINSTAL.
Gen Host Encyclopedia
Release : 8.6
After the installation of GEN 8.6 software, it is very important to back up your Encyclopedia databases. Next execute the CEINSTAL process and once you have checked the entered variables with option 1.10, this will automatically create the JCL, SQL and PARMLIB libraries if they do not already exist.
During the CEINSTAL portion of the installation, the CEINSTAL will build the members into these three libraries with the data provided during the CEINSTAL process.
The following table describes the Gen library names populated during configuration:
SQL - CEINSTAL generates the SQL necessary to install Gen and places it in this library.
JCL - CEINSTAL generates the JCL necessary to install Gen and places it in this library.
PARMLIB - CEINSTAL generates the members as this library contains site specific parameters.
GEN 8.6 will use the PARM file under release 8.6 called PARMLIB and this is allocated to ddname TIUPARML as documented here:
Establish an ISPF Library Concatenation
This shows that TIUPARML is the DD name for the CA GEN 8.6 PARMLIB. You can view the datasets via the "TSO ISRDDN" command and page down to the bottom.
The GEN 8.6 PARMLIB contains the following members:
_________ TIJCARD
_________ TILHE
_________ TIRHE
_________ TIRMFS
_________ TIUHE
_________ TIUHE2
We recommended that you create a new unique DB2 Plan Prefix when upgrading in place. This will allow for the newer version of Gen software to run against the established or previous version's Gen database. Refer to Gen techdocs for more details:
Upgrade a Host Encyclopedia