There might be two lookup fields, the second one depending on the first one.
Changing the first one, a different behavior is observed, depending on the interface where the change is being done:
Classic UX - Changing the value of the first field and saving, the second field is cleared out.
New UX - Changing the value of the first field (automatically saved), the second field persists.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Results: The Location is dependent of the Department. Since the Department is modified, the Location should be cleared out, like in the Classic UX.
Actual Results: The Location is not cleared out.
Clarity PPM 15.x
DE55737 Fixed in Release 15.9.3
The ability to clear the field is enabled through a database toggle.
update cmn_option_values set value = '1' where option_id = (select id from cmn_options where option_code = 'RESET_DEP_LOOKUP_VALUES')
For more details on DE65083, DE64184: New UX Dependent lookup not cleared when main field is changed to NULL