Does IT Analytics work with Microsoft Kerberos?
When the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS) and Microsoft SQL Server Report Service (SSRS) are on different SQL Servers, IT Analytics will not be able to work in this environment unless Microsoft Kerberos authentication is set up and working between the two SQL Servers. Kerberos is required because of how SSAS and SSRS work and the number of hops needed for authentication. Internet Explorer/.NET only passes authentication two times. IT Analytics needs three: Symantec Management Platform --> SSAS --> SSRS. This therefore will fail without Kerberos.
NOTE: Symantec Technical Support is unable to assist customers in installing, configuring or troubleshooting Kerberos. Please contact your network administrator or Microsoft for assistance. Information on how to configure Kerberos can also be found in the following Microsoft article:
How to configure SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services to use Kerberos authentication
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