How is a relay agent selected in SMP Server for Wake on Lan?
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How is a relay agent selected in SMP Server for Wake on Lan?


Article ID: 179735


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IT Management Suite


What is the criteria or process that is used in consideration for choosing a Wake on Lan 'relay agent' using the SMP Server?


ITMS 8.x


The criteria for selecting a relay agent are as follows:

First is to check and see if a computer has a role of SMP Server, Package Server (PS or Package Service), or simply the (Symantec Management Agent (Altiris Agent) is installed.
SMP Server is given a higher priority and then Package Servers and then down to just having the Altiris Agent installed.
Then is a check for the "ownernsguid" of the agent to see if it matches the SMP Server GUID in "VthisNS" view
The computer also needs to be managed locally  'IsManaged = 1'
An IP address needs to be retrieved from Inv_AeX_AC_TCPIP it cannot be Null, '', or ''
There also needs to be a valid subnet.  Not Null or ''
The MAC Address is checked as well and cannot be Null or '00-00-00-00-00-00'
The Default Gateway cannot be '' and the Subnet cannot be '' 
The tables Evt_NS_Client_Config_Request and Evt_NS_Event_History are checked for the most recent agent communication.