Use a login script to install AClient
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Use a login script to install AClient


Article ID: 178716


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Deployment Solution


How do you use a login script to install AClient?


Deployment Solution 7.x, 8.x


To install the AClient via a login script, the file AClient.inp must be configured, and you must set that file to run with the batch file. (Use the Remote Agent Installer program to generate the .INP file or copy an .INP file from a known to be correct client.) AClient.inp is the file that the install procedure will use to run in unattended mode.

Include script commands to copy AClient.exe and AClient.inp files to the workstation and use the following command to perform the installation:

<drive>:\<file location for inp file>\AClient.exe -install -silent <drive>:\<file location for inp file>\AClient.inp 

The following basic sample batch file can be used to check to see if AClient is installed and then install AClient if needed. Using Notepad, create the following batch file:

@echo off
if not exist "c:\program files\Altiris\Aclient\aclient.exe" goto NOT
If exist "c:\program files\Altiris\Aclient\aclient.exe" goto YES
md Altiris\
md Altiris\AClient
copy <drive>:\Altiris\AClient\AClient.exe (default location)
cd Altiris\AClient
AClient -install -silent <drive>:\<file location for inp file>\AClient.inp   (AClient.inp file is located in the eXpress share.)
goto END
echo file already there
goto END

Make sure that you replace the appropriate drive, folder, and file locations with those that represent your server and workstation configuration.

Please refer to article KB 180075 for information about creating the AClient.inp.