What is ‘Check VIP Server Connectivity’?
‘Check VIP Server Connectivity’ is a tool within SymDiag that can be used to verify that a Symantec VIP certificate is valid. Running this tool launches a configuration dialog that is followed by a dialog indicating the results of the certificate check. A report is also included under the Reports tab for the Symantec product Symantec VIP.
What is a Symantec VIP?
To learn more about the Symantec VIP service visit the following web site:
Running ‘Check VIP Server Connectivity’
To run this check you will need to have a Symantec VIP certificate and password.
1. In the Home tab in the menu at the top left of the window, select 'Tools', then ‘Check VIP Server Connectivity’
2. In the 'Check Symantec VIP' dialog, in the 'Server' section, leave the default public authentication server selected, or identify an alternate authentication server. In the 'Enter a VIP' section, click the ‘File…’ button to browse to and select your Symantec VIP certificate. Also, enter the password for the certificate.
3. In the dialog that follows view the results of the scan
4. You can also view results within SymDiag under the Report tab after exiting the tool