Error: Failed to create a persistent session in Session Services in PS
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Error: Failed to create a persistent session in Session Services in PS


Article ID: 145273


Updated On:


CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER



The below errors show up in the Policy Server trace whilst trying to connect to the Policy Server from Microsoft Azure using OpenID:

[02/17/2020][15:43:21.431][1044][7436][Sm_Auth_Message.cpp:5338][CSm_Auth_Message::FormatAttribute][Send response attribute 158, data size is 55][][<User ID>][][OpenID Connect][OpenID Connect Realm][][][UserStore][sps_agent][][s269245/r3377][][][][][][][][][][][][Basic][][][][][][][####][][][<Transaction ID>][][][][][][][][][][][Login][Failed to create persistent session in Session Services][...]

[02/17/2020][15:43:21.431][1044][7436][Sm_Auth_Message.cpp:4835][CSm_Auth_Message::SendReply][** Status: Not Authenticated. Failed to create persistent session in Session Services][][<User ID>][][OpenID Connect][OpenID Connect Realm][][][UserStore][sps_agent][][s269245/r3377][][][][][][][][][][Failed to create persistent session in Session Services][][Basic][][][][][][][<User ID>][][][<Transaction ID>]




The issue occurred because the Session Store isn't configured when the requested realms are configured as persistent (1).




Configure the Session Store and enable Session Store checkbox on Smconsole (2).


Additional Information



    Realm Dialog Reference


    Session Store Configuration