Report download "Error 401" or "Failed - Network Error" via PDF (using Chrome/Edge)
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Report download "Error 401" or "Failed - Network Error" via PDF (using Chrome/Edge)


Article ID: 97657


Updated On: 09-09-2024


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Jaspersoft / Advanced Reporting reports are not exported via PDF when using Chrome. Initially, a "Failed - Network Error" message appears. Then, when selecting the option to resume the download, a "Failed - Server problem" error is thrown. Unable to save Jasper Report.

You may instead see:

  • Error 401 - User not registered
  • Couldn't download - Network issue

This occurs for both out-of-the-box and custom reports. The issue does NOT happen via "Reports and Jobs",  the PDF file downloads successfully. 


  1. Open any report in Advanced Reporting with Chrome browser.
  2. Export the report using the PDF option. 

Expected Results: Downloading PDF file is successful with Chrome browser. 
Actual Results: Downloading PDF file returns network error with Chrome browser.

Note: Modern versions of Microsoft Edge (versions 79 and higher) use the Chromium codebase, like Chrome.


Clarity Jaspersoft

All Supported Releases

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based releases)


This is due to a Chrome Setting issue. "Download PDF Files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome" needs to be enabled.


Note: The steps / setting varies by Chrome build, so check the several options below:

Most Recent Chrome Builds

As of 11/1/2021 - Build version example: 95.0.4638.54

  1. In Google Chrome, click on the 3 dot icon in the upper right-hand corner of Chrome, then select Settings 
  2. Click on Privacy and Security
  3. Click on Site Settings
  4. Scroll down towards the bottom and expand Additional Content settings
  5. Click on PDF Documents
  6. Click the radio option next to Download PDFs

Another option you can use is to use the Print function and save as PDF:

Prior Chrome Builds

Older Chrome builds

Build version example: 83.0.4103.106 (Update as of June 2020)

  1. In Google Chrome, click on the 3 dot icon in the upper right-hand corner of Chrome, then select Settings 
  2. Click on Privacy and Security
  3. Click on Site Settings
  4. Scroll down towards the bottom and expand Additional Content settings
  5. Click on PDF Documents
  6. Enable Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome

Other Chrome versions (least likely)

This is for older Chrome builds

  1. In Google Chrome, click on Settings
  2. Click on Advanced
  3. Click on "Content Settings"
  4. Click on PDF Documents
  5. Enable the option ----- Open PDFs Using a different application

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based)

As of 02/22/2022. Build version example: 98.0.1108.56

  1. Click on the 3 dot icon in the upper right-hand corner of Chrome, then select Settings
  2. Click on Cookies and Site Permissions
  3. Click on PDF Documents
  4. Enable the option ----- Always download PDF files