Change Database MDB Server for IT Asset Manager/Asset Portfolio Management
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Change Database MDB Server for IT Asset Manager/Asset Portfolio Management


Article ID: 97072


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CA IT Asset Manager ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management


After moving the CA APM MDB to a new database server, how to reconfigure the existing CA APM installation to point to the new database server?


CA IT Asset Manager/Asset Portfolio Management

14.1 and higher

All supported SQL and Oracle database server versions


1.  Stop all APM services on the APM application server(s).

2.  On the target MDB, view the al_cdb_configurationparameters table for the database connection parameters (see below).

select * from al_cdb_configurationparameters where componentkey = 'Database'

Use the following update statements to update the database connection values to the appropriate values for the target MDB, changing the "XXXX" value to the new value to be used.

update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'DatabaseOwner'
update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'DBInstance'
update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'DbLogin'
update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'DbNameTxt'
update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'DbTcpIpPort'
update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'HostName'

The following entry's configvalue should be adjusted to an encrypted value.  Please see KB Article 139049

update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'DBPassword'
update al_cdb_configurationparameters set configvalue = 'XXXX' where configkey = 'MdbadminPassword'

3.  On the APM web server, edit the CA\ITAM\Web Server\bin\CA.Common.LoadConfigurationAttributes.dll.config file and verify or change the database connection entries:

For SQL Server:

<add key="UserID" value="sa"/>
<add key="Password" value="ENCRYPTED PASSWORD"/>
<add key="HostName" value="tcp:<hostname>,1433"/>
<add key="DatabaseName" value="<DBNAME>"/>

For Oracle: 

<add key="UserID" value="mdbadmin"/>
<add key="ServiceName" value="<Connector identifier>""/>
<add key="DatabaseName" value="<Connector identifier>"/>
<add key="DatabaseOwner" value="<DBNAME>"/>

See Additional Information below for details about DB Passwords.

4.  Copy the CA.Common.LoadConfigurationAttributes.dll.config file and replace it in the following directories:

Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Application Server\bin
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Data Importer Engine
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Event Service
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Export Service
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Hardware Engine
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Import Driver
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Import Processor
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Import Service\bin
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\LDAP Import Sync Service
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Registration Service
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Storage Manager Service\bin
Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\WCF Service\bin

5.  On the APM servers, navigate to the following registry key via REGEDIT and update the "DatabaseServer" value to the correct MDB database server


6.  Perform an IISRESET on BOTH the APM web and APM application servers

Additional Information

Please refer to existing documentation if other applications are present, such as Catalog or Service Desk, when moving the MDB database to another database server

For information on the ITAM Passwords and how to encrypt, please review KB Article 139049

In some cases, usually where the database is shared with Catalog or Service Desk, there may be other database configuration parameters that may also need to be examined.  These can be viewed in the backend database table al_cdb_configurationparameters by running the following query:

select * from al_cdb_configurationparameters where configkey LIKE '%database%'

As in any such changes, please test the changes in a non-prod instance before attempting in production and also verify that there are sufficient and adequate snapshots or backups taken prior to making the above changes.