Fatal error occurred after pressing "Export" button in list pages
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Fatal error occurred after pressing "Export" button in list pages


Article ID: 96547


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


The "Export" button fails to function in a list page. After pressing the button it remains greyed out and after some time the following popup error is displayed:

'Fatal error has occurred in servlet please see jsrvr.log for details.'

In the jsrvr.log the following errors can be seen:

04/24 17:06:58.849[http-bio-8080-exec-4371] ERROR PDMExport 1097 Validate BOPSID failed: Timeout waiting for reply after 180 seconds
04/24 17:06:58.849[http-bio-8080-exec-4371] INFO PDMExport 1127 Validate BOPSID: 04/24 17:06:58.853[TCP_port-Read:Slump_nxd] INFO TCP_port 903 Got 4447524d on port 49320 with id 1523251618875
4/24 17:06:58.853[TCP_port-Read:Slump_nxd] INFO ADDRESS_SLNX 100 Modifying supplied node address 3482 to network byte order 9a0d0000 04/24
17:09:58.851[http-bio-8080-exec-4371] ERROR PDMExport 1138 Validate BOPSID failed: Timeout waiting for reply after 180 seconds
04/24 17:09:58.851[http-bio-8080-exec-4371] ERROR PDMExport 1156 User authentication error 04/24
17:09:58.851[http-bio-8080-exec-4371] ERROR PDMExport 1157 java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Timeout waiting for reply after 180 seconds"
04/24 17:09:58.851[http-bio-8080-exec-4371] ERROR PDMExport 522 validation failed 


Service Desk Manager - all versions


The PDMExport servlet has become unresponsive.


The SDM Tomcat and pdm_export_mgr processes will need to be restarted to recover the Export functionality. Use the following steps:

1. Stop Tomcat by running 'pdm_tomcat_nxd -c STOP' at the command line on the SDM server. Then run 'pdm_tomcat_nxd -c STATUS' until you see Tomcat is stopped.
2. Kill the pdm_export_mgr.exe process in Task Manager. It should restart automatically. If it does not, run 'pdm_d_refresh'.
3. Start Tomcat by running 'pdm_tomcat_nxd -c START'.

Once Tomcat is restarted, confirm that the Export functionality is restored.

Additional Information

Note that if the occurrences of this problem continue, please contact Broadcom Support so that it can be investigated further.