CA Process Automation reporting database purge setup
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CA Process Automation reporting database purge setup


Article ID: 94781


Updated On:


CA Process Automation Base


This document will go over the steps to enable the purging of data from the reporting database used by the CA Process Automation built in BIRT engine. 
By default, reporting is enabled and the purging of that data is not enabled. This can cause the reporting database to grow quite large and start to cause performance issues within CA Process Automation. 
This is, of course, dependent on how heavy the workload in Process Automation is, but as a best practice, you will want to enable this cleanup. 

For the 4.3 SP03 and earlier releases of ITPAM, the reporting engine can be disabled. As of 4.3 SP04 and later using this purge function is what should be done. 
This is the link to the KB on disabling the reporting engine for the earlier releases:

How to disable the reporting feature in CA Process Automation


Release:4.3.x  ITPAM

Component: ITPAM


To enable the purging function for the reporting database, which is separate from the process instance purging outlined in the documentation, follow these instructions.

Log in to CA Process Automation as a member of the pamadmin group and select the Configuration tab.

  1. Click on Domain, right click and lock. 
  2. Select the Properties tab 
  3. For 'Option to Purge Reporting Data' change that from Do Not Purge Reporting Data to Purge Reporting Data Daily

For 'Start Time to Purge Reporting Data Daily' you can leave this as the default of 00:01 - this means it will start at 1 minute after midnight. 

For 'Number of Days to Keep Reporting Data' the default value is 10 days. This is going to depend on what type of reports you need to run and how long the data needs to be kept. This number is going to be the key to keeping the database manageable. 

If you set the number too high, like 60 or 90 (again, all dependent on how heavily Process Automation is used) the reporting database can grow quite large and cause a performance hit in Process Automation. 

Click on the Save icon in the upper right when you have completed your updates and then unlock the domain.


Additional Information

Report data purging screenshot