How to set up a USS Type in Endevor
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How to set up a USS Type in Endevor


Article ID: 93548


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


 This document  will show how to set up a sample Endevor TYPE that will allow you to add, generate, move or delete an Element on the USS File structure. 
This sample is of a simple text element with no pre or post processing. This sample also assumes that the actions will use packages and will have backout enabled.

This sample assumes that you have Endevor Setup and have a functioning Endevor Environment.


Component: ENDBAS


The following are the steps required to set up the sample.
  1. Ensure that your UserID and the Endevor ALTID are set up with the OMVS segment.  This is a setup in your security software(ACF2/TSS/RACF) that will allow access to the USS environment.  
  2. Plan the USS paths that you are going to use and define them if that have not already been defined. Give the correct permissions to the paths and files. In this case source and base paths for stage 1 and 2 and a stage 1 temp path are set up. (see attached zip file 'AllocatePaths.txt' for example JCL)  
  3. Update your Site Symbolic table(BC1JSYMT). Define the paths as symbolics. (see attached zip file 'ESYMBOLS.txt' for sample table)  
  4. Define the TYPE that you are going to use to store this USS file. This sample has the base on USS. The base and backout files are created automatically by Endevor on the USS path provided for the base. The delta must be on the MVS file system. The sample SQL Define TYPE stage 1 is in the attached zip file 'DefineTypeUSS.txt'. The processor group USS is also in the attached zip file 'DefineProcessorGroup.txt'  
  5. Add the  MOVE, GENERATE and DELETE processors.  The example processors are in the attached zip file. See GenerateProcess.txt , MoveProcess.txt , DeleteProcess.txt.  

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