How to run Awinstall Option 1
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How to run Awinstall Option 1


Article ID: 92389


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


How to run Awinstall option 01 for "Initial Install/Upgrade from Prior version"

The Awinstall script may be necessary to make changes to the configuration of Applications Manager such as database hostname change or port changes(db migration). Awinstall may also be useful when trying to repair the core functionality of Applications Manager such as database corruption or to reinstall default objects.


Windows and Unix/Linux


In Windows:

  1. Stop AA-<Your_master_name> service
  2. Open a cmd prompt
  3. cd to the %AW_HOME% directory
  4. run command > .\site\sosite.bat
  5. run command > awinstall
  6. Follow on screen prompts and press Enter to accept default values which is listed between brackets
  7. Enter "yes" for the prompt "Is the above correct [Yes]?" or simply press Enter to accept the default OR enter "No" if installation parameters need to be changed such as DB server change
  8. At the main menu, select option 1 "01 Initial Install/Upgrade from Prior version".
  9. Allow the awinstall process to complete
  10. The script will return to the main menu.
  11. Enter q to quit
  12. Are you sure you want to quit [Yes]?
  13. If you want to restart WatchWorx enter Y to: Restart WatchWorx [Y]?


In Unix/Linux:

  1. cd to $AW_HOME directory
  2. run command >  . site/sosite
  3. run command >  stopso all (If RmiServer is running)
  4. run command >  awinstall
  5. Follow on screen prompts and press Enter to accept default values which is listed between brackets
  6. Enter "yes" for the prompt "Is the above correct [Yes]?" or simply press Enter to accept the default or enter "No" if installation parameters need to be changed such as DB server change
  7. At the main menu, select option 1 "01 Initial Install/Upgrade from Prior version".
  8. Allow the awinstall process to complete
  9. The script will return to the main menu.
  10. Enter q to quit
  11. Are you sure you want to quit [Yes]?
  12. If you want to restart WatchWorx enter Y to: Restart WatchWorx [Y]?