U00029003 Cannot open file 'UC4/TMP(OAAFCNKU)', error code '3101'
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U00029003 Cannot open file 'UC4/TMP(OAAFCNKU)', error code '3101'


Article ID: 89088


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Trying to run a AS/400 job the following error appears in the Job Report:

U00029003 Cannot open file 'UC4/TMP(OAAFCNKU)', error code '3101'


Release: Automic Workload Automation
Component: AS400 / OS400 Agent


This error is due to the fact the OS400 Agent TMP file has reached the maximum number of members per file. 
The file needs to be cleared in order for the process to continue. 


Fixed in 12.3.7 HF1 - An issue has been solved in which AS/400 Job aborted because the Library was already in the list. SBMJOB issued without INLLIBL(*JOBD) OUTQ(*JOBD).
Delete the TMP file and recreate it new. 
First, stop the agent. Then, delete the TMP File out of the library with the command: "DLTF FILE(UC4/TMP)" and create it new: "CRTPF FILE(UC4/TMP) RCDLEN(256) MAXMBRS(*NOMAX) SIZE(*NOMAX)". Then restart the agent and try it again.