Using the IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 5.1 and above with Endevor
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Using the IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 5.1 and above with Endevor


Article ID: 72839


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


The IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 and 6, the Migration Guide says:

Compile-time storage requirements are substantially increased compared to prior versions of Enterprise COBOL. The compiler requires a minimum of 200 M region size to run.

Are there any considerations for Endevor ?



IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 and 6


When upgrading to the COBOL V5 or higher, Endevor COBOL Generate processors might need to be updated to increase storage requirements.

Recommend the following as a way to determine the necessary increase:
- Compile a large program (ideally the largest one you can find onsite) outside of Endevor with the old COBOL.
- Reduce the REGION size until the compile fails. Note the minimum REGION required by the old compiler (REGION_OLD).
- Do the same thing with the new compiler. Note the minimum REGION required by the new compiler (REGION_NEW).
- Increase the REGION size for Endevor batch runs by the difference (REGION_NEW minus REGION_OLD).

** Remember that REGION= specified in the JOB statement overrides REGION= specified in the EXEC statement.
This means that Endevor users need to remove or change the REGION parm in the JOB cards used when submitting a batch job from Endevor.

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