CA Repository for zOS 7.2 has been modified to support DB2 12
PTFs SO00627 and SO00628 deliver DB2 12 toleration support for
the 'CA Repository for z/OS r7.2' product. PTF SO00627 enables DB2 12
toleration support for the Repository installation menu, catsync menu,
and Mass Generation facility of 'CA Repository for z/OS r7.2'. In addition,
several Repository packages will fail to bind against a
Db2 12 Function Level 500 or higher (NFM) system. SO00627 delivers new loads and
programs for these packages. For a list of those packages/loads impacted
refer to the details provided in SO00627.
PTF STO00628 enables Db2 V12 toleration support for the
Catalog Synchronization facility of 'CA Repository Exchange for
Db2 r7.2'.
The limitations of the Db2 12 toleration support are as follows:
1. To generate Db2 12 object definitions the Db2 V9 logic of the Mass
Generation facility is used.
2. A new Db2 scanner - DBXCATA - introduced with PTF RO31042 to process the
Db2 10 NFM objects should also be used to process the Db2 12 FL 500 and 100 objects
that are currently supported by the CA Repository Exchange for Db2 r7.2
This Product Maintenance Letter (PML) contains the following sections:
*Section 1: Post SMP/E Instructions, describes the BINDS that need to be
* completed to implement the changes introduced by PTFs SO00627 and SO00627,
* and which must be run if you are upgrading to Db2 12.
* NOTE: Execute these instructions only if the CA Repository for
* z/OS r7.2 is installed and operational. Do not execute these instructions
* if you are installing CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 for the first time.
*section 2: New Installations, provides the steps that need
* to occur if you are a new CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 customer who will
* be hosting on Db2 12.
*section 3: Existing Installations, provides the steps that need
* to occur if you are an existing CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 customer who will
* be hosting on Db2 12.
Section 1: Post SMP/E instructions for PTFs SO00627 and SO00628.
One bind job can be executed after both PTFs are applied to
bind any packages delivered with the PTFs.
The breakout below shows what packages are provided with each PTF.
1A: Once SO00627 has been SMP/E APPLIED, request that the BIND
packages in the following list be run by your Db2 DBA.
Bind package list:
Use the following parameters with the packages:
BIND PACKAGE(collection name) -
QUALIFIER(repository qual) -
Make the following substitutions for the values of the
parameters so they conform to your site's environment.
- subsys to the db2 host subsystem or db2 foreign subsystem
- collection name to the repository package collection
- repository qual to the repository owner.
- dbrmlib to DBRM library that contains the DBRMs associated
with the PTFs that are applied.
- change DBXxxxx to each package listed above
1B Once SO00628 has been SMP/e APPLIED, request that the BIND
packages in the following two lists be run by your DB2 DBA.
Bind package list:
Use the following parameters with the DBXSYNC package:
BIND PACKAGE(collection name) -
QUALIFIER(repository qual) -
Use the following parameters with the DBXCATV package:
BIND PACKAGE(collection name) -
Make the following substitutions for the values of the
parameters so they conform to your site's environment.
- subsys to the db2 host subsystem or db2 foreign subsystem
- collection name to the repository package collection
- repository qual to the repository owner.
- dbrmlib to DBRM library that contains the DBRMs associated
with the PTFs that are applied.
1C CA Repository for z/OS Exchange for Db2
If you are currently hosting on Db2 10 or 11 and will not be
migrating to Db2 12 but desire to input Db2 12 (FL 500) into the CA
Repository for z/OS via the Db2 exchange, you will need to generate the CA
Repository Exchange for Db2 JCL to reflect Db2 12 by specifying 12 as the
Db2 Version on the catsync panel.
Product Configuration Instructions
Before proceeding with the following section, it is important to define
the references that will be used. In the following section reference
is made to hosting on Db2 12. Hosting means that the meta data
collected by the CA Repository will be loaded to a repository installed
on top of Db2.
Processing of input data from various Db2 sources including Db2 12 can
be loaded to the CA Repository using the 'CA Repository Exchange for
Db2 r7.2'. The host repository database can be any of the currently
supported releases Db2 10, 11, 12.
section, 2: New Installations, provides the steps that need
to occur if you are a new CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 customer who will
be hosting on Db2 12 using:
o Function Level 100(Conversion Mode) - Section 2A
o Function Level 500(New Function Mode) - Section 2B
2A: New CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 Hosting on Db2 12 Function Level 100(Conversion Mode)
2A1: SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY and ACCEPT the CA Repository for z/OS r7.2
from the GA media. Refer to the CA Repository for z/OS
Installation Guide r7.2 Chapters One through Five.
2A2: Complete the steps in the Chapter 6: 'Configuring Your Product'
which is found in the 'CA Repository for z/OS Installation Guide
o When establishing the 'Define Installation Defaults', the Db2
Load, Db2 Library and Plan names must reflect the respective
Db2 10 libraries.
o When populationg the Define DB2 Defaults' panel, the Db2 Version
parameter will need to be set previous levelset of Db2.
For example, if you have recently upgraded Db2 11 NFM to Db2 12
Function Level 100(CM) then set the DB2VER parm to '11'.
o After submitting the 'Bind All DB2 Plans and Packages' job in
Chapter 6, check the output of the job for any UNSUCCESSFUL
packages and report them to CA Technical support for advisement on
next steps.
2B: New CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 Hosting on Db2 12 Function Level 500(New Function Mode)
2B1: SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY and ACCEPT the CA Repository for z/OS r7.2
from the GA media. Refer to the CA Repository for z/OS
Installation Guide r7.2 Chapters One through Five.
2B2: Complete the steps in Chapter 6: 'Configuring Your Product'
found in the 'CA Repository for z/OS Installation Guide r7.2'.
o When establishing the 'Define Installation Defaults', the Db2
Load, Db2 Library and Plan names must reflect the respective
bB2 12 libraries.
o When populationg the 'Define DB2 Defaults' panel, the Db2 Version
parameter will need to be set to '12'.
o After submitting the 'Bind All DB2 Plans and Packages' job in
Chapter 6, check the output of the job for any UNSUCCESSFUL
packages and report them to CA Technical support for advisement on
next steps.
section 3: Migrating Existing Installations, provides the
steps that need to occur if you currently have CA Repository 7.2
installed using Db2 10 or 11 and will be migrating to Db2 12 using:
o Function Level 100(Compatibility Mode) - Section 3A
o Function Level 500(New Function Mode) - Section 3B
3A: Existing CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 Hosting on Db2 12 Function level 100(Conversion Mode)
3A1: Update the dataset names of the Db2 release and plan names
defined in the Default Values panel. Refer to the 'Define
Installation Defaults' step in Chapter 6.
When establishing the installation defaults, the Db2 Load, Db2
Library and Plan names must reflect the respective Db2 12
3A2: Refer to the 'Define DB2 Defaults' step in Chapter 6.
Update the WLM environment Name on the Db2 Defaults panel so it
reflects the name of your workload manager.
Ensure that the Db2 Version is set to '11'.
3A3: Migrate the Repository Db2 procedures into the new WLM library.
Refer to the 'Copy the Db2 Stored Procedures' step in Chapter 6.
3A4: Alter the Db2 Stored Procedures to reflect the new WLM name.
3A5: Refresh WLM.
3A6: Update the DSN of the Db2 defined in the STEPLIB member. Refer
to the 'Edit the Db2 Skeleton Library' step in Chapter 6.
3A7: Complete the 'Bind All Plans and Packages' step in Chapter 6.
check the output of the job for any UNSUCCESSFUL
packages and report them to CA Technical support for advisement on
next steps.
3A8: If you will be executing the CA Repository Exchange for Db2,
the release of Db2 will remain at the current level.
3B: Existing CA Repository for z/OS r7.2 Hosting on Db2 12 Function level 500(New Function Mode)
3B1: Update the dataset names of the Db2 release and plan names
defined in the Default Values panel. Refer to the 'Define
Installation Defaults' step in Chapter 6.
When establishing the installation defaults, the Db2 Load, Db2
Library and Plan names must reflect the respective Db2 12
3B2: Refer to the 'Define Db2 Defaults' step in Chapter 6.
Update the WLM environment Name on the Db2 Defaults panel so it
reflects the name of your workload manager.
Ensure that the Db2 Version is set to '12'.
3B3: Migrate the Repository Db2 procedures into the new WLM library.
Refer to 'Copy the Db2 Stored Procedures' in Chapter 6.
3B4: Alter the Db2 Stored Procedures to reflect the new WLM name.
3B5: Refresh WLM.
3B6: Update the DSN of the Db2 defined in the STEPLIB member. Refer
to the 'Edit the Db2 Skeleton Library' step in Chapter 6.
3B7: Complete the 'Bind All Plans and Packages' step in Chapter 6.
check the output of the job for any UNSUCCESSFUL
packages and report them to CA Technical support for advisement on
next steps.
3B8: If you will be executing the CA Repository Exchange for Db2,
you will need to generate the CA Repository Exchange for Db2
JCL to reflect Db2 12 by specifying 12 as the Db2 Version
on the catsync panel.
This completes the PML for CA Repository r7.2 support for Db2 12.