How to disable auto-loading of My Privileged Accounts Tab.
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How to disable auto-loading of My Privileged Accounts Tab.


Article ID: 66633


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC) CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM)


When logging into the Enterprise Management GUI, the page takes a long time to load for users, but not for all the others.


R12.8, R12.9, R14.0, PAMSC 14.1


By default, ENTM will automatically run the privileged accounts search upon login. If a user has a large number of privileged accounts, the GUI will take longer to load.


In Enterprise Manager you can disable to auto-loading of the Accounts in the in Search My Privileged Accounts page to speed up login times.

In order to do this you will need to enable the CA Identity Minder Management Console, then reboot JBoss and access the Management Console page.

Go the the Environments > ac-env > Advanced Settings > Miscellaneous page. You will now see MyAccountsTabAutoSearch property which by default is set to true. Update this value to false and save the page.

Once saved, select Restart for the changes to be saved. You will need to restart Jboss for this to take full effect. It is best practice to disable the Identity Minder Management Console after finishing work with it.

Additional Information

Enable the Management Console:

Open the Management Console:

Disable the Management Console: