Unable to edit task dates in some projects in MUX
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Unable to edit task dates in some projects in MUX


Article ID: 6279


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Clarity PPM On Premise


In the Clarity PPM New User Experience (UX), if you have more than two Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) levels in a task hierarchy, you are unable to fully edit any task and some tasks are missing.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new project in the old UI
  2. Go to the Tasks tab, then select Gantt from the Tasks drop down
  3.  Create 3 tasks (to create a new task click the green check box icon in the Gantt menu)
  4. Click the check box next to the 2 bottom tasks and click the Indent button from the Gantt to indent them beneath the first task
  5. Click the + icon to expand the parent task, then click the check box again next to the last task only to indent it beneath the Child Task above it
  6. Now go to the new user experience, open the project and go to the Tasks tab there

Expected Results: You are able to edit a task Start / Finish date, also able to see all three tasks

Actual Results: You will see an error message pop up here warning that “Drag and drop is disabled. Task hierarchies greater than two levels are not supported”, and some tasks are missing (only the top level hierarchy task and bottom hierarchy task is shown. Any tasks in between are not shown in the new UX)


This applies to the Clarity 15.1 and higher


The new user experience currently only supports two levels of WBS. For any projects that have more than two task WBS levels, you will only be able to partially edit tasks in the new UX and some tasks may be missing if they are not the top or bottom level tasks in the WBS structure.

Some features that are available if using more than two levels of WBS include

  1. Adding new assignments 
  2. Changing a task status 
  3. Changing a task name 

Some features that are not available if using more than two levels of WBS include

  1. Changing a task 'Start Date' or 'Finish Date'
  2. Changing 'Estimate to Complete' (ETC)
  3. Changing a task 'Type'
  4. Viewing tasks that are not at the top or bottom level in the WBS
  5. Deleting a task

Workaround:  To work with more than two levels in a project, use the Gantt in the Classic (old) UI or one of the supported scheduler tools (Open Workbench (OWB) or Microsoft Project (MSP))