Spectrum install fails on Linux running mysql.cus and ddm.cus scripts. The following errors are seen in the postinstall.log file:
********** Started: Fri Nov 6 09:54:39 2015 ********** running Custom Script Install-Tools/CUS/mysql.cus /usr/Spectrum/mysql/bin/mysql: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error(s) occurred. Please see /spectrum/Install-Tools/LOGS/<version>/mysql.log. Script Install-Tools/CUS/mysql.cus has FAILED ********** Completed: Fri Nov 6 09:59:47 2015 **********
********** Started: Fri Nov 6 09:59:56 2015 ********** running Custom Script Install-Tools/CUS/ddm.cus Creating .configrc Error(s) occurred. Please see /spectrum/Install-Tools/LOGS/ Script Install-Tools/CUS/ddm.cus has FAILED ********** Completed: Fri Nov 6 09:59:56 2015 ********** **************************************** *********CUSTOM SCRIPT SUMMARY********** Script Install-Tools/CUS/mysql.cus has failed Script Install-Tools/CUS/ddm.cus has failed
The following error is seen in the mysql.log file:
Creating access for spectrum in database ...
**^G Error during newUser spectrum spectrum
The following error is seen in the ddm.log file:
******* Begin Installation DDM *******
./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'spectrum'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'
**^G Error during ./bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=my-spectrum.cnf -u$spec_user -p$spec_user create ddmdb
The libncurses.so.5 library is not installed.
The mysql.cus script executes a script called newUser that creates the initial user in the ddmdb database. The user it creates is based on the user that owns the Spectrum installed specified during installation of Spectrum. In this example, the user is "spectrum". The newUUser script does not provide an output file.
The newUser script can be run from the command line. For this install failure, when running the newUser script from the command line, the following error is seen:
[root@hostname mysql]# ./newUser spectrum spectrum
/spectrum/mysql/bin/mysql: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Install the missing libncurses.so.5 library, uninstall the failed install and reinstall Spectrum.
yum install ncurses-compat-libs (rhel 8)
yum install ncurses-libs (rhel 7)