Why are messages missing from the log? Some messages are not logged and others are?
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Why are messages missing from the log? Some messages are not logged and others are?


Article ID: 55532


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


Which xcom config paramter configures detailed logging of each file transfer

What parameter in the xcom.glb config file takes care for the detailed logging of a XCOM file transfer in the XCOM_LOG file "XLOGFILE".

Example of such a detailed log is :

2019/08/26 12:25:38 TID=001483 [<Local File Name> at <IP Address> --> <file-name>]
    XCOMU0026I Remotely initiated first try.


Release: CA XCOM Data Transport
Component: xcpcnt, xcusol, xcurs6x, xcuhp9, xclx86


These messages are not governed by xcom.glb parameters.  They are always written.  If they are missing,  check the permissions on the XCOM xcomlog file and change to -rw-rw-rw-.