Importing tasks via XOG results in duplicate tasks.
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Importing tasks via XOG results in duplicate tasks.


Article ID: 51679


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When updating project tasks via XOG, existing tasks are not updated. New, duplicate, tasks are created instead

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a project with tasks (make sure the tasks have no task IDs assigned)
  2. XOG it out
  3. XOG it back into the same server

Actual Result: Created tasks are listed twice, while resources and effort are not.


XOG task write operations are required to have a taskID defined. If taskID is empty, XOG will create a new task instead.


The only way to overcome this situation is by filling the taskID in the XOG write files.


In order to avoid this duplication you can do the following:

  • In Studio, on the task object, mark the task ID attribute as required.
  • This will force the user to provide a task ID in order to create a task.
  • Once the ID has been provided, the duplication will be avoided.

The export of internalID is for diagnostic purposes and is ignored on import.