Error: "ORA-01653: unable to extend table" in Oracle AUDIT LOG
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Error: "ORA-01653: unable to extend table" in Oracle AUDIT LOG


Article ID: 51167


Updated On:




The smps log records errors trying to insert data into the audit log.

The smconsole test ODBC connection is successful.

[12/04/2008][12:30:52][25633][11][][][][SmReportsLogAccessBulk][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][About to call LogAccess on the LogAccessObject][][][]
[12/04/2008][12:30:52][25633][11][][][][CSmDbConnectionODBC::CheckForError][-1][][][][][][][][][][][][][][HY000][[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocoldriver][Oracle]ORA-01653: unable to extend table SMUSER6.SMACCESSLOG4 by 128 in tablespace SMUSER_DATA][][SQL Error.][][][]
[12/04/2008][12:30:52][25633][11][][][][CSmDbConnectionODBC::MapResult][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][-1][[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-01653: unable to extend table SMUSER6.SMACCESSLOG4 by 128 in tablespace SMUSER_DATA][][State = HY000 Internal Code = 1653 - [DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-01653: unable to extend tableSMUSER6.SMACCESSLOG4 by 128 in tablespace SMUSER_DATA][][][]
[12/04/2008][12:30:52][25633][11][][][][CSmDbConnectionODBC::MapResult][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][Mapped Result: -4007 Error Message:"[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-01653: unable toextend table SMUSER6.SMACCESSLOG4 by 128 in tablespace SMUSER_DATA" SQLState: HY000.][][][]
[12/04/2008][12:30:52][25633][11][][][][CSmDbConnectionODBC::MapResult][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][-1][][][State = Internal Code = 1653 - ][][][]
[12/04/2008][12:30:52][25633][11][][][][CSmDbConnectionODBC::MapResult][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][Mapped Result: -4007 Error Message: "" SQLState: .][][][]



The error in the Policy Server trace below shows that there is not enough space left either due to the data files being full, auto-extend which is not set at the data file level, or due to a full disk.

Check the size of the data files attached to the tablespace and check whether they can autoextend or not.


ORA-01653: unable to extend table SMUSER6.SMACCESSLOG4 by 128 in tablespace SMUSER_DATA" SQL State: HY000