How to restrict interface creation for devices in Spectrum?
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How to restrict interface creation for devices in Spectrum?


Article ID: 50309


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to restrict interface creation for devices in Spectrum?

The following are the different ways to restrict interface creation for any device within Spectrum.

  1. Filter out sub-interfaces

  2. Filter out interfaces using the ifIndex value.

  3. Filter out interfaces using the ifType value

  4. Filter out interfaces using the ifDescr value

The first two options can be changed while Spectrum is running and are set on a per model basis. The last two options can be changed only with the Model Type Editor (MTE) and the SpectroSERVER would have to be stopped. The attributes controlling the last option are shared Spectrum attributes and they will apply to all models of a particular model type.


Release: Any
Component: SPCDIS


  1. Filter out sub-interfaces

    The reconfiguration subview on the Information tab has a field called "Create Sub-Interfaces". By default, the value is set to "Yes". If this is set to "No" then sub-interfaces will not be created for the device going forward. If PortAgeTimeout is set to 0, then the sub-interfaces will be deleted immediately after reconfiguration.


  2. Filter out interfaces using the ifIndex value

    The reconfiguration subview on the Information tab has a field called "Filter Interfaces By Ranges". By default this value is not set. So, all the interfaces are created. Users can enter interface index values that they don't want to create in this field. e.g "2-3,5,7-9" will filter out interface with ifIndex 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9. If PortAgeTimeout is set to 0, then the interfaces will be deleted immediately after reconfiguration.


  3. Filter out interfaces using the ifType value

    If you want to stop creating certain interface type, then you can use the "If_Mtype_Map" attribute. This is a shared attribute. MTE will be needed to change the value. The new value will be used for all models of that particular model type. If_Mtype_Map is a list attribute of model type handles. The index value of each entry will be the ifType value. Users can set the model type handle to 0 to stop creating interface models.


    Index      ModelTypeHandle
    18          0x220011
    39          0

    This would create Gen_IF_Port (0x220011) models for interfaces of type 18. Interfaces of type 39 will not be created.

  4. Filter out interfaces using the ifDescr value

    To filter out interfaces using the interface Description (ifDescr), the following two attributes are used - IfDesc_Mtype_Map_Enums, IfDesc_Mtype_Map. You will need to add an entry to both list attribute for a particular interface description. A sub string of the ifDescr value can be used in the IfDesc_Mtype_Map_Enums attribute. IfDesc_Mtype_Map will store the model type handle for the corresponding entry. The index value of these two attributes should be same for each entry. If the model type handle is 0, then the Spectrum will not create port models.



    Index         String
    1                Dialer
    2                Ethernet


    Index         ModelTypeHandle
    1               0x22002f
    2               0

    These example values will create a Dialer_IF_Port (0x22002f) for the interfaces which have a string "Dialer" in the ifDescr attribute value. For interfaces which have "ethernet" in their interface description, port model will not be created. The interface description mapping overrides the interface type mapping described in the previous section.



Related Attributes

Create_Sub_Interfaces - 0x11f3c
FilterInterfaceRanges - 0x12dc4
If_Mtype_Map - 0x11fb4
IfDesc_Mtype_Map_Enums - 0x129a4
IfDesc_Mtype_Map - 0x129a5


Additional Information

Please reference the "Model Type Editor" section of the documentation for more information.